User permissions

User permissions help you manage what people have access to once you invite them to your workspace. Currently there are 3 permission levels: Workspace owner, Admin and Member. 

Workspace Owner

The workspace owner is the person that created the workspace and they full access to every setting and ability within the workspace. There can only be one workspace owner and if they’re account is deleted, it will delete the entire workspace.


Users with the Admin permission level have full access to the workspace, similar to the workspace owner, minus the ability to delete the entire workspace. On free plans, all invited members will automatically receive admin privileges.

These users have the following capabilities:

✔  Access to workspace settings

✔  Can create, edit & delete tasks or pages

✔  Invite and manage workspace member permissions

✔  Manage workspace billing

✔  Export tasks from a page

✔  Can create, edit & delete spaces

Note: To limit the access of your invited users and assign them as Members instead of Admins, you will need to be on one of our paid plans. Explore the options here.


As a workspace Member, you can create tasks, edit pages, and collaborate with others, but you won’t have access to workspace settings. Here’s what you can do as a Member:

✔  Create, edit & delete tasks pages

✔  Collaborate with others apart of the workspace

✔  Search for pages and tasks across the entire workspace

Permission FAQ’s

Is there a limit to how many users I can add to my workspace?

The number of people you can invite may be limited based on your plan. We recommend reviewing our pricing details to see how many users are allowed on each plan and the available permission levels.

What happens to user permissions if I'm downgraded?

If your workspace is downgraded, all of your invited users will be granted Admin privileges.

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