Exporting tasks

Exporting tasks to a CSV file is a powerful feature within TaskOrbiter. A CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file allows you to transfer task data from TaskOrbiter into a format that is easily accessible and compatible with various software applications, including spreadsheets and database management tools.

Note: Exporting your tasks to a CSV includes all details about your tasks, including the task name, due date, priority, status, tags, notes, the date it was created, whether or not the task is completed, and all custom fields.

How to Export Tasks to a CSV

When exporting your tasks, only visible tasks in your view will be exported. Meaning that if you are hiding subtasks, completed tasks, or if you have a filter causing some tasks not to be visible, they will not be included in the export.

  1. To export your tasks as a CSV, first navigate to the view you would like to export.
  2. Click on the ellipsis (…) menu in the top right corner of the page.
  3. Click Export as CSV to bring up the Export dialog.
  4. Confirm you would like to export your tasks by clicking Export.
  5. The export will start immediately and automatically download to your device.
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