Setting due dates

Due dates are a necessity when tracking tasks. TaskOrbiter gives you a robust, yet simple way to set due dates on your tasks. Our due date field allows you to easily pick a specific date, along with Today, Tomorrow, This weekend, Next week, and 2 weeks from now.

Tip: You are able to easily filter by due date when setting up your pages. Date fields are also available with Custom Fields.

Using the date field

Animation showing how to use due dates in TaskOrbiter

  1. To set a due date, click on the Due Date field
  2. Once the date picker opens, you can navigate the calendar, choose from the preset options, or type in the time and date
  3. Click outside of the date picker to save your changes
Note: You do not need to set a time with due dates. Due dates with no time are considered to be “All day” tasks.
Tip: Enter date and time in just about any format and we’ll intelligently format it for you.

For date, “the day after tomorrow” is understood along with “8/1” or “August 1st.”
For time, things like “noon” or “in an hour” are understood along with typical formatting such as “11am” or “1:15 PM.”
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