Introduction to filters

As you add tasks throughout your Workspace, you need to be able to find information quickly. Thats where filters come in and give you the ability to filter on all the information you track on your tasks.

Note: You can add filters to any of the view types which include list, kanban board and calendar.

When creating filters in TaskOrbiter, these changes are made in real-time. This means that as you set or adjust your filter, you will see your view update immediately with the date pertaining to your filter.

How to create a filter

  1. Make sure you are on a page.
  2. Next to your view settings will be the Filter button.
  3. Once you click this, you can start configuring conditions for your filters.

Deleting a filter

  1. Click Filter to open your filter.
  2. Click delete filter.
  3. Confirm by clicking delete.
Tip: You can also delete individual conditions by clicking the three dot ellipsis button and this will remove it from your filter.

Filter groups

Filter groups offer you the ability to add specific criteria for your filter. This way the data you are trying to show fit a specific condition. If you want to add a new group, you can do this by clicking OR and it will add a new group under your existing one.

If you want to add new conditions to your existing group, do the following:

  1. Make sure to have your filter open.
  2. Click the + AND button.
  3. This will add a new condition to your group.

If you want to add a new group, do the following:

  1. Make sure you have your filter open.
  2. Click the + OR button.
  3. This will add a new group where you can add new conditions.

Filtering by task details:


Filtering by the name field is targeting the name of the task. The operators you have with this option are the following:

  • equals
  • does not equal 
  • contains 
  • does not contain 
  • starts with
  • does not start with
  • ends with 
  • does not end with


Filtering by the notes field will target any notes you have on your task. The operators you have with this option are the following:

  • equals
  • does not equal 
  • contains 
  • does not contain 
  • starts with
  • does not start with
  • ends with 
  • does not end with

Due date

Filtering by due date is targeting the date in which your task is due. The operators you have with this option are the following:

  • is
  • is not
  • is before
  • is after
  • is in the past
  • is in the future
  • is today
  • is tomorrow
  • is yesterday
  • is in the next 7 days
  • is in the past 7 days
  • is in the next 30 days
  • is in the past 30 days


Filtering by the priority field is targeting any priority you have created. The operators you have with this option are the following:

  • equals
  • does not equal 


Filtering by the status field is targeting any status you have created (including the completed status). The operators you have with this option are the following:

  • equals
  • does not equal 


Filtering by the tags field is targeting any custom tag that you create. The operators you have with this option are the following:

  • has
  • does not have

Assigned to

Filtering by the assigned to field is targeting anyone who is assigned to that task. The operators you have with this option are the following:

  • has
  • does not have
  • is empty 
  • me

Is complete

Filtering by the is complete field is targeting the completed state of your task. You can also override the default state and configure your own, to which your filter will adjust to. The operators you have with this option are the following:

  • is true
  • is false


Filtering by the created date is targeting the date in which your task was created. The operators you have with this option are the following:

  • is
  • is not
  • is before
  • is after
  • is in the past
  • is in the future
  • is today
  • is tomorrow
  • is yesterday
  • is in the next 7 days
  • is in the past 7 days
  • is in the next 30 days
  • is in the past 30 days

Filtering your custom fields:


Filtering by the text field is targeting that specific text field you have added to your task. The operators you have with this option are the following:

  • equals
  • does not equal 
  • contains 
  • does not contain 
  • starts with
  • does not start with
  • ends with 
  • does not end with


Filtering by the dropdown field will give you the following operators to filter by:

  • contains
  • does not contain
  • only contains


Filtering by the checkboxes field will give you the following operators to filter by:

  • contains
  • does not contain
  • only contains


Filtering by the date field will give you the following operators to filter by:

  • is
  • is not
  • is before
  • is after
  • is in the past
  • is in the future
  • is today
  • is tomorrow
  • is yesterday
  • is in the next 7 days
  • is in the past 7 days
  • is in the next 30 days
  • is in the past 30 days


Filtering by the time field will give you the following operators to filter by:

  • equals
  • does not equal 
  • is before
  • is after


Filtering by the email field gives you the following operators to filter by:

  • equals
  • does not equal 
  • contains 
  • does not contain 
  • starts with
  • does not start with
  • ends with 
  • does not end with


How can I filter based on items that are assigned to me?

Yes you can! When configuring your filter, you can select the Assigned to field then select me as your condition. This will then return all tasks that are assigned to you.

Can I filter on tasks that are complete?

You sure can! When configuring your filter, under Details you will see a circle checkmark icon and next it will say “is complete”. This will allow you to filter on any items that have been marked as complete. Keep in mind, if you customize your complete state, the filter will adjust to that change for you.

Are there any filter limitations?

We currently do not set any limitations on the number of filters you can create but if you’re curious to learn more about our plan levels, check out our pricing page.

Can I filter in places such as Today and My Tasks

Currently, you can only show completed tasks, hide task details and show only tasks assigned to you, but soon we will be offering full filtering capabilities in these areas.

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