Intro to Trash

Trash allows you to restore deleted tasks and pages, providing a safety net for accidentally removed items. From the Trash, you can permanently delete items, or they will be automatically deleted after 30 days.

Each of your deleted items will be organized based on how many days are left until they get permanently deleted. You can also click on each item in your Trash to view them in read-only mode.

View deleted items in Trash

  • Your Trash is always accessible from your inner sidebar and this is where all of your deleted items will be found.
  • From your trash you can do the following:
    • Restore: This will bring your item back into your Workspace where you can edit and make changes.
    • Delete forever: When clicking this, the item will be removed from trash and will be deleted permanently.
    • Delete All Trash: This will delete all of your items from your trash and each of them will be deleted permanently.
    • Search: Trying to find a specific item in your trash? Just type in its name and it will be returned.
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