What is TaskOrbiter?

TaskOrbiter is a task management platform for any kind of work. Whether you are tracking your daily to-do’s or you are a business and your team needs to manage their projects, communicate amongst one another and store files, you can do it all here.

We recommend checking out all of our help articles that help breakdown each our features or if you want a quick overview, check out our quick start guide!

Our Values

Here at TaskOrbiter, we have 4 key principles that we uphold to ensure you are empowered with all the tools you need to track work and hit your goals:

1.) Keep it simple

We are here to make tracking work easy, not cumbersome.

Task managers, project management systems in todays age have a tendency of being overwhelming and have large learning curves. We keep this in mind when building out features and our product so that it empower you with a simple and pleasant user experience.

2.) Flexible and powerful

Tasks and work is defined differently for everyone and we have made sure to never lose sight of this. This is why we built TaskOrbiter to be flexible based on your use case. If you just need a simple task manager for your chores around the house, you can do that. If you’re a software development team that needs to track your sprints, store files and communicate about your quarterly goals, you can do that too. With that in mind, we recommend checking out our 40+ pre-made templates that are tailored based on your work!

3.) Collaboration

We power teams to get work done, together.

In the age of remote, hybrid or even in-office work, you need tools that encourage and empower you to collaborate together. Whether it’s through live collaboration, audio/video calls or messaging one another, TaskOrbiter has all of the features that allows you to do just that.

4.) Always here to help

We understand that you may have questions or might be interested in learning more about how to use TaskOrbiter. This is why make sure to always be here for you, our support team is available 24/7 to assist and our help center has over 70 articles that break down every corner of the product.

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