How to invite others to your Workspace

Before you try to invite someone, we recommend making sure you are the Workspace owner. If you have permission, here is how you can invite others to join you!

Invite others via email

  1. Make sure you are on your dashboard.
  2. Open your sidebar.
  3. Click your Workspace name in the top left corner of your sidebar to get your dropdown.
  4. Click Users. 
  5. From here you can invite others to join your Workspace!
    • Keep in mind that these invited users will have full access but not owner permissions.
  6. To invite people, you can start typing their email and then click comma to separate multiple emails and start inviting another.
    • Once invited, those individuals will receive an email to join your Workspace.
Note: Until the people you invite click the link sent to their email to accept the invitation, they will be found under Pending Invites. Also, if you need to, you can resend the invite if the person is having trouble finding their invite.

Billing adjustments

Its worth noting that depending on which plan level you are on, you may see a limitation on the number of users you can invite to your Workspace. Feel free to check out our full feature list here!

You can also see your billing details and the entire history of your invoice as it adjusts based on the number of people you invite on your plan level.

Contact support

If you have any questions regarding inviting, archiving or billing related questions, feel free to contact our support team thats available 24/7!

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