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In today’s fast-paced world, efficient communication is the backbone of successful collaboration. TaskOrbiter, an up-and-coming player in the task management domain, has taken a significant leap forward with the introduction of Calls. Now, users can connect, communicate, and collaborate, all within the same interface where they manage tasks and engage in team discussions.

Integrated Communication Hub

Calls allows users to transition effortlessly between chats, task management, and calls. This cohesiveness ensures that all elements of a project are interconnected, promoting a more streamlined and efficient workflow.

Expressive Reactions

Users have the ability to convey emotions and reactions through emojis, adding a layer of expressiveness to their virtual interactions. Whether it’s a moment of laughter or an applause-worthy achievement, Reactions enable a more fun and engaging form of communication.

Virtual Hand-Raising

In a virtual meeting setting, getting everyone’s input can be a challenge. This simple yet effective tool allows participants to signal their desire to speak, ensuring that everyone has an opportunity to contribute to the discussion. It’s a virtual equivalent of raising your hand in a physical meeting, promoting inclusivity and order in virtual conversations.

Simultaneous Screen Sharing for All

TaskOrbiter understands the importance of visual collaboration in the modern workplace. With Calls, the platform takes screen sharing to the next level by enabling everyone in the call to share their screens simultaneously. This feature proves invaluable for collaborative projects, presentations, and discussions where multiple perspectives need to be showcased concurrently. The result is a more interactive and engaging virtual meeting experience.

Calls is more than just an upgrade – it’s a strategic move towards a more integrated and expressive form of workplace communication. By connecting calls to existing Chats, Tasks, and Views, and incorporating features like Reactions, virtual hand-raising, and simultaneous screen sharing, TaskOrbiter has created a platform that aligns with the diverse needs of modern teams. TaskOrbiter’s provides a glimpse into the future of collaborative work, where communication is not just a tool but an experience.