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Today, TaskOrbiter is introducing Reminders, available for free on all plan levels – a feature designed to ensure you never miss a deadline again. Reminders provide timely alerts to everyone assigned to a task, enhancing collaboration and accountability. This powerful tool helps you stay organized, prioritize effectively, and reduce stress, ensuring that you and your team can manage tasks efficiently and stay on track.

The Power of Reminders

Reminders are more than just notifications; they’re a vital tool for maintaining productivity and meeting deadlines. Here’s how Reminders can transform your task management.

Timely Alerts for Everyone

Task reminders ensure you remember important deadlines and appointments. TaskOrbiter sends reminders to everyone assigned to a task, ensuring that the entire team is aware of upcoming deadlines and can prepare accordingly.

Enhanced Collaboration

By sending reminders to any team members assigned to the task, TaskOrbiter fosters better collaboration. Team members can stay in sync, follow up on their responsibilities, and ensure that projects progress smoothly. This shared accountability enhances teamwork and ensures that no task is overlooked.

Improved Accountability

Regular notifications hold you and your team accountable. With TaskOrbiter’s reminders, procrastination becomes a thing of the past. Everyone stays on track, leading to better time management and increased productivity.

Reduced Stress

Knowing that you have reminders set for your tasks can significantly reduce stress. There’s no need to worry about forgetting important tasks or deadlines; TaskOrbiter has you covered. This peace of mind allows you to focus on your work without the constant fear of missing something important.

Key Features of Reminders

TaskOrbiter’s Reminders come with several features designed to enhance your productivity.

Customizable Reminders

Set reminders based on your preferences. Whether you need a reminder a week in advance or just an hour before the deadline, TaskOrbiter allows you to customize the timing to suit your needs.

Multiple Notification Channels

Receive reminders through various channels such as email and in-app notifications. This ensures you’re always aware of upcoming deadlines, no matter where you are.

Cup sitting on a person's desk

How Reminders Boost Productivity

Reminders can significantly boost your productivity by helping you stay organized and focused.


With reminders, you can prioritize your tasks effectively. By knowing what needs to be done and when, you can allocate your time and resources more efficiently.

Time Management

Reminders help you manage your time better. By receiving alerts for upcoming tasks, you can plan your day accordingly, ensuring you have enough time to complete everything on your to-do list.

Avoiding Overwhelm

Breaking down tasks into manageable chunks and setting reminders for each step can prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. TaskOrbiter helps you tackle your tasks one step at a time, making large projects more manageable.

Getting Started with Reminders

Setting up Task Reminders in TaskOrbiter is simple and straightforward:

  1. Create a Task: Start by creating a task in TaskOrbiter. Enter all the necessary details, such as the task name and description.
  2. Assign the Task (optional): Assign the task to the relevant team members. Remember, everyone assigned to the task will receive reminders.
  3. Set a Due Date & Reminder: Set a due date for the task, then choose when you want to receive a reminder.

Learn more about Reminders in our Help Center.

TaskOrbiter’s Additional Features

In addition to Reminders, TaskOrbiter offers a range of features designed to enhance your task management experience:

  • Task Assignments: Easily assign tasks to team members and track their progress. Task assignments ensure everyone knows their responsibilities and can collaborate effectively.
  • Subtasks: Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable subtasks. This feature helps you tackle projects step-by-step, ensuring nothing gets overlooked.
  • Collaboration Tools: TaskOrbiter includes various tools to facilitate collaboration, such as file sharing, chat, and @mentions. These tools ensure everyone stays connected and informed.


Reminders are a game-changer when it comes to staying productive and meeting deadlines. With TaskOrbiter’s robust Reminders feature, you and your team can stay organized, collaborate effectively, and ensure that no task is overlooked. Combine this with TaskOrbiter’s additional features like task assignments, subtasks, progress tracking, and seamless integrations, and you have a powerful tool to enhance your productivity.

Don’t let deadlines stress you out. Learn more about TaskOrbiter for personal use or teams.

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